2 Ch. TTL to LVDS Translator


$ 1,135.00


  • Converting TTL signals to LVDS
  • High Speed Digital Communications systems Testing
  • High Speed SONET Clock Level Translation


  • fmax > 300 MHz
  • 1.1 ns Typical Output Rise & Fall Times
  • Switchable 1.5 V/1.0 V input threshold (TTL)
  • Complementary 50 Ω LVDS Outputs
  • BNC Input Connectors, SMA Output Connectors
  • Triax Output Connector Option
  • Two channels for CLK/DATA translation
  • Self-contained 1.3 x 2.9 x 3.9-in. unit includes ±8.5 V/1.8 A AC/DC Adapter


The PRL-426T is a TTL-to-LVDS Logic Level Translator. The PRL-426T input is single-ended, and a toggle switch controls the input threshold (1.5 V or 1.0 V into 50 Ω). The input connectors on the PRL-426T are BNC.

The differential outputs are 50 Ω back-terminated and are designed for driving floating 100 Ω loads, normally the configuration used in LVDS input circuits. The output swing is typically 600 mV with a common mode voltage of 1.2 V. Models with the "TR" suffix, e.g. PRL-426TTR, have Triax output connectors instead of the SMA connectors. These high speed translators facilitate testing of high speed digital communications circuits where conversion of TTL clock and data signals to LVDS level signals is often required.

The PRL-426T is designed to interface with TTL circuits. In cases where the signal source cannot drive TTL voltages into 50 Ω, the input threshold switch can be used to lower the triggering voltage to 1.0 V.

Each unit is supplied with a ±8.5 V/1.8 A AC/DC Adaptor and housed in a 1.3 x 2.9 x 3.9-in. extruded aluminum enclosure. Available accessories include voltage distribution modules for mounting multiple units.

Fig. 1: PRL-426T Dual Ch. TTL to LVDS Translator, SMA Outputs
Fig. 2: PRL-426TTR Dual Ch. TTL to LVDS Translator, Triax Outputs

(0° C ≤ TA ≤ 35° C)*

Symbol Parameter PRL-426T UNIT
Min Typ Max
RIN Input Resistance 49.5 50 50.5 Ω
ROUT Output Resistance 49.5 50 50.5 Ω
VTOSH Input Threshold Voltage (high) 1.4 1.5 1.6 V
VTOSL Input Threshold Voltage (low) 0.9 1.0 1.1 V
VIL TTL input Low Level -0.5 0.0 0.5 V
VOL Output Low Level   0.9   V
VOH Output High Level   1.5   V
VCMV Common Mode Voltage1   1.2   V
IDC1 DC Input Current, +8.5 V   100 110 mA
IDC1 DC Input Current, -8.5 V   -205 -215 mA
VDC DC Input Voltage ±7.5 ±8.5 ±12 V
VAC AC/DC Adapter Input Voltage 103 115 127 V
tPLH Propagation Delay to output ↑   2   ns
tPHL Propagation Delay to output ↓   2   ns
tr/tf Rise/Fall Times2 (10%-90%)   1.00 1.25 ns
tSKEW Skew between any two outputs   200 500 ps
fMAX Maximum Clock Frequency 250 300   MHz
  Size 1.3 x 2.9 x 3.9 in.
  Weight, excluding AC adapter 7 Oz
  Shipping weight, including AC adapter 4 lb.


(1) VCMV = (VOH-VOL)/2 

(2) Rise and Fall times are measured with SMA output connector units only and with ground-referenced 50 Ω loads. 

(3) fmax is measured using a PRL-425N with the corresponding input connectors as the receiver. The NECL outputs of the PRL-425N are measured. fmax for the PRL-426T is currently limited by the lack of high frequency TTL drivers.

Units with the Trompeter CBBJR79 Triax ouput connectors are tested using the PRL-425NTR, Universal Differential Receiver (Triax) with Differential NECL outputs, and the Trompeter PCGOW10PCG-36 shielded twisted pair cables.

All PRL products with Triax connectors use Trompeter P/N CBBJR79, Right Angle Circuit Board Bulkhead Jack, 3-lug (Numbered page 10, document page 11 of 142). Any Trompeter 70-series Triax Cable Plug with 3 lugs (e.g. PL75-9, 3-lug) will mate with CBBJR79.

While we believe these models to be accurate, no representations are made as to accuracy or suitability for any application:
