2 Phase NECL/TTL Frequency Divider


$ 2,290.00


  • System clock simulation
  • Low-jitter NECL/TTL clock source
  • SONET clock generator
  • Low-jitter Laser System Synchronization
  • Dividing Ti:S laser oscillator signals
  • A Mini Modular Instrument ™ for working with TTL/CMOS and ECL circuits
  • The PRL-260BNT replaces the discontinued PRL-260ANT


  • f/2 to f/4096, manually programmable
  • Common divider f/n (2 = n = 256) has 8-bit resolution
  • Φ1 output=(f/n)/(1, 2, 4 or 8), for max ratio of 2048
  • Φ2 output=(f/n)/(2, 4, 8 or 16), for max ratio of 4096
  • Φ1 has complementary NECL& TTL outputs and square wave outputs except when the final divisor is 1
  • Φ2 has complementary NECL square wave outputs
  • Single-ended NECL, differential NECL, or AC-coupled sinewave inputs with internal 50 Ω/VTT terminations
  • Additional logically-ORed TTL input requires only 0.7 V 
  • Small Signal Comparator Input requires only 40 mV
  • 20 ps typical edge jitter
  • 50 ps typical skew between f/n & f/n NECL outputs
  • 200 ps typical skew between f/n & f/n TTL outputs
  • 1.25 GHz typical max. external clock input frequency
  • Complementary NECL outputs drive 50 Ω loads terminated to VTT, AC-coupled or floating 50  Ω loads
  • Complementary TTL outputs drive long lines with or without 50 Ω load terminations
  • DC-coupled I/Os
  • SMA I/O connectors except for TTL/Small Signal Input (BNC)
  • Ready-to-use 1.3 x 2.9 x 6.1-in. module includes a ±8.5V AC/DC adapter


The PRL-260BNT is a DC-coupled, manually programmable, two-phase frequency divider with two sets of divided outputs, Φ1 and Φ2. It is capable of running at input clock frequencies in excess of 1 GHz and outputting divided TTL and NECL clock signals. The input frequency f is first divided down to f/n, where 2 ≤ n ≤ 256, via D1-D8 of a ten-bit DIP switch. The f/n signal is further divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8 for the Φ1 NECL and TTL outputs via D9 and D10, for a maximum ratio of 2048, and by 2, 4, 8 or 16 for the Φ2 NECL output via D11 and D12 of a second two-bit DIP switch, for a maximum ratio of 4096.

All outputs are synchronous with the input frequency and are square waves (50% duty cycle), except for Φ1 output when the final divisor is set to 1 (D9-D10=00). When the final divisor is set to 1 the output positive pulse width is equal to the input pulse period. All outputs are complementary and will drive long lines. TTL outputs are back-matched and will drive terminated or unterminated loads. NECL outputs can drive 50 Ω loads terminated into -2 V or AC-coupled 50 Ω loads.

A complementary NECL input is logically ORed with a TTL/Small Signal input, enabling the unit to accept TTL input, small signals (≥40 mV), single-ended or differential NECL input,  AC-coupled sinewave or other logic inputs. There is an Input Mode switch and a Threshold Voltage switch. For differential NECL inputs, both SMAs are used with both switches up. For single-ended NECL input the lower SMA is used with Input switch down and the Threshold switch up. For AC-coupled input either SMA can be used with both switches up. For TTL input the BNC input is used with the Input switch down and the Threshold switch up. For small signals the BNC input is used with both switches down.

The NECL inputs are internally terminated to 50 Ω/-2 V in the differential input mode, and the inverted input to 62 Ω/-1.3 V in the single-ended input mode. The BNC input has a ground-referenced 50 Ω termination, and the minimum signal required is only 0.75 V for TTL (switch up) or 40 mV for small signals (switch down):

Desired Input Connector(s) Input Mode Switch Threshold Switch
Differential NECL Both SMAs Up Up
Single-ended NECL Lower SMA Down Up
AC-coupled Either SMA Up Up
Small Signals BNC Down Down

The PRL-260BNT is ideal for applications where a frequency divider or prescalar is needed for triggering or down-sampling, and the multiple logic inputs and outputs make it extremely useful in mixed-logic environments. The two phases of output enable applications requiring two different ratios from a common reference frequency. Applications for the PRL-260BNT include data acquisition, test, measurement, R&D, and laser system synchronization.

The unit includes an AC adapter for ready-to-use convenience on the bench or in a system. All I/O connectors are SMA, except for the TTL input, which is BNC. The extruded aluminum housing is suitable for mounting with the optional brackets.

The PRL-260BNT is an improved model of the discontinued PRL-260ANT. It has all the features of the PRL-260ANT plus a small-signal input. The PRL-260BNT is recommended for all new applications.