6 GHz Programmable 2-Phase Frequency Divider (f/2-f/32)

SKU: PRL-257-2

$ 1,713.50


  • System Clock Simulation
  • Low Jitter NECL Clock Source
  • SONET Clock Generator
  • Scope triggering
  • PRBS/BERT synchronization
  • Optimizing outputs from frequency synthesizers
  • Testing high-speed serial/SERDES links (GB Ethernet, eSATA, PCIe, HT, etc)
  • An Essential Lab Tool for Working with NECL Circuits


  • 6.6 GHz typical maximum External Clock Input frequency
  • f/2 to f/32 with independent 2Φ outputs
  • Common Divide by 2 pre-scalar for both Φ1 and Φ2
  • Φ1 output = (f/2)/(1, 2, 4 or 8), for max. ratio of f/16
  • Φ2 output = (f/2)/(2, 4, 8 or 16), for max. ratio of f/32
  • Both Φ1 and Φ2 have two pairs of complementary NECL square wave outputs
  • Single-ended AC Coupled Input with internal 50 Ω termination
  • 5 ps typical Edge Jitter
  • 40 ps typical skew between f/n & f/n NECL outputs
  • Complementary DC coupled NECL Outputs drive 50 Ω loads terminated to -2 V, AC-coupled or floating 50 Ω loads
  • SMA I/O Connectors
  • Ready-to-Use 1.3 x 2.9 x 2.9-in. Module includes a ±8.5V AC/DC Adapter


The PRL-257-2 is an AC-coupled input, manually programmable, two phase frequency divider with two sets of complementary NECL outputs. It is capable of running at input frequencies in excess of 6.6 GHz.

It has a common divide-by-2 pre-scalar front end followed by two banks of independent manually programmable dividers, Φ1 and Φ2. The f/2 pre-scalar output is further divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8 for the Φ1 bank via D0 and D1 of a two-bit DIP switch, providing a maximum ratio of 16. It is divided by 2, 4, 8 or 16 for the Φ2 bank via D2 and D3 of a second two-bit DIP switch, providing a maximum ratio of 32. All outputs are synchronous with the input frequency and are square waves (50% duty cycle) suitable for driving long lines terminated into 50 Ω/-2 V or AC-coupled 50 Ω loads.

The PRL-257-2 is ideal for applications where a high frequency divider or pre-scalar is needed for triggering or down-sampling. The two phases of output enable applications requiring two different ratios from a common reference frequency, and the 1:2 fanout feature enables system synchronization and monitoring/triggering applications from a single reference clock source. Applications for the PRL-257-2 include data acquisition, test, measurement, R&D, and system integration.

The unit includes an AC adapter for ready-to-use convenience on the bench or in a system. All I/O connectors are SMA. The extruded aluminum housing is suitable for mounting with the optional brackets.