
- Precision Clock Sources for high speed digital systems
- Clock Generation for SONET, SDH, ATM, Ethernet, Hypertransport, Firewire/1394, etc
- Essential Lab Tools for Working with TTL/CMOS, ECL and PECL Circuits
Stand-alone ECL, PECL and TTL/CMOS Xtal Clock Source modules from Pulse Research Lab provide standard frequencies of 50 MHz, 100 MHz, 200 MHz, 400 MHz, 500 MHz and 622 MHz. Other frequencies available upon request.
Model PRL-174ANT has a manually adjustable VCO for frequencies of 600 MHz to 1.35 GHz, plus a a 9-bit programmable internal frequency divider for f/1 - f/512 output. Model PRL-176N-3000 has a manually adjustable VCO for frequencies from 1.5 to 3.0 GHz, with 3 sets of complementary NECL outputs.
Product Selection Guide:
Please see the linked web page for detailed specifications on each model.