2 Ch. Comparator, TTL Outputs, NIM-compatible High Impedance Inputs


$ 1,135.00


  • NIM to TTL Conversion
  • Offset Sinewave or Noisy Pulse to TTL Conversion
  • Window Comparators
  • High Speed Timing
  • Line Receivers
  • Threshold Detection
  • Peak Detection
  • PON Module testing with Anritsu MP1800A


  • 1.1 ns Typical tr
  • +400 mV, 0 V or -400 mV Preset Input Threshold Voltage
  • -2.0 V to +3.0 V Input Common Mode Range
  • 10 mVPP Minimum Input @ 300 MHz.
  • DC Coupled High Impedance Inputs
  • Complementary TTL Outputs
  • SMA I/O Connectors
  • Self-contained units include AC/DC Adapters


The PRL-350TTL-NIM-C001 is a ready-to-use, dual-channel comparator module derived from the PRL-350TTL-NIM, and modified for low-current applications. 

Each unit is supplied with a ±8.5 V AC/DC Adapter and housed in an attractive 1.3 x 2.9 x 3.9-in. extruded aluminum enclosure.

Fig. 1 PRL-350TTL-NIM Block Diagram

For the PRL-350TTL-NIM, very slight output waveform distortion and rise time degradation will occur when an unused complementary output is not terminated


(0° C ≤ TA ≤ 35° C)*

Unless otherwise specified, dynamic measurements are made with all outputs terminated into 50 Ω.

Symbol Parameter PRL-350TTL-NIM-C001 Unit
Min Typ Max
RIN Input Resistance TBD Ω
ROUT Output Resistance 49.5 50.0 50.5 Ω
VTH+ Preset positive threshold voltage 396 400 404 mV
VTH- Preset negative threshold voltage -404 -400 -396 mV
VTH0 Preset zero threshold voltage(1) -10 0 10 mV
VOL Output Low Level -0.5 0 0.5 V
VOH Output High Level 2.0 2.2 2.4 V
IDC1 DC Input Current, +8.5 V 300 325 mA
IDC2 DC Input Current, -8.5 V -285 -300 mA
VDC DC Input Voltage ±7.5 ±8.5 ±12 V
VAC AC/DC Adapter Input Voltage 103 115 127
tPLH Propagation Delay to output↑ 2 ns
tPHL Propagation Delay to output↓ 2
tr/tf Rise/Fall Times(2) 1100 1250 ps
tSKEW Skew between any 2 outputs 200 400 ps
Vin I Minimum Input Voltage @ 150 MHz(3) 20 10 mVPP
Vin II Minimum Input Voltage @ 250 MHz(3) 40 20 mVPP
VCM Input Common Mode Range -2.0 +3.0 V
fmax Max. Clock Frequency(4)
Size 1.3 x 2.9 x 3.9 in.
Weight, w/o AC adapter 7 Oz
Shipping weight, w/AC adapter 4 lb

(1) If the switch is set to the center position (0 V threshold) a non-driven channel will oscillate and induce jitter in the driven channel. Connect any output to any input to stop the oscillation.

(2) 10%-90% for TTL.

For the PRL-350TTL-NIM-C001, very slight output waveform distortion and rise time degradation will occur when an unused complementary output is not terminated. For optimum performance, however, all outputs should be terminated.

(3) In order to reduce jitter near fMAX, terminate the non-driven input into 50 Ω when the input voltage is less than 20 mVPP.