2 Channel Comparator, NECL Outputs, NIM-Compatible Inputs


$ 1,290.00


  • Window Comparators
  • High Speed Timing
  • Line Receivers
  • Threshold Detection
  • Peak Detection
  • PON Module testing with Anritsu MP1800A


  • fmax > 1000 MHz
  • 750 ps Typical tr
  • +400 mV, 0 V or -400 mV Preset Input Threshold Voltage
  • -2.0 V to +3.0 V Input Common Mode Range
  • 10 mVPP Minimum Input @ 300 MHz.
  • DC Coupled 50 Ω Inputs
  • Complementary NECL Outputs
  • SMA I/O Connectors
  • Self-contained units include AC/DC Adapters


The PRL-350ECL-NIM is a ready-to-use, high speed dual-channel comparator module. The PRL-350ECL-NIM has a maximum clock frequency in excess of 1 GHz and has complementary NECL outputs designed for driving 50 Ω transmission lines terminated to 50 Ω/-2 V.

Both channels have a DC coupled 50 Ω input. The input threshold voltage can be selected either from a set of preset values of -400 mV, 0 V or +400 mV using a common three-position switch. The input Common Mode Range is -2.0 V to +3.0 V.

The input threshold voltage can also be varied independently in each channel by applying an external DC bias voltage or shunt resistor to the D input.

  • If the external DC bias has a sufficiently low output impedance, it will over-ride the internally-generated VTH, and the toggle switch setting is a don’t-care.
  • For an external shunt resistor, the effective threshold voltage, VTHE, will be the result of the resistor-divider network formed by the external shunt resistor and the internal 50 Ohm termination to the selected VTH.
  • In the following example, the internal VTH is set to +50 mV, and it is pulled down to an effective VTHE of +10 mV via a 12.5 Ω shunt resistor:
  • To prevent oscillation, the external shunt resistor should be placed as close as possible to the D input, e.g. by using the male end of the PRL-PINET-SMF or similar device.

This high speed comparator is a Mini Modular Instrument™ that can be used as peak detector, threshold detector, sine wave to square wave converter, window comparator or differential line receiver, etc. Typical minimum input voltage required at 300 MHz is 10 mVPP into 50 Ω.

Each unit is supplied with a ±8.5 V AC/DC Adapter and housed in an attractive 1.3 x 2.9 x 3.9-in. extruded aluminum enclosure.

* Although the PRL-350ECL-NIM typically operates up to 2 GHz, the internal device is specified at 1 GHz by the device manufacturer; therefore the guaranteed fMAX is 1 GHz.